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The Reprocon Institute is at the forefront of reproductive biotechnology research, dedicated to the conservation of threatened wildlife species and innovation in animal reproduction. Your support is crucial to continue developing technologies that preserve our natural heritage and promote a more sustainable future.


With years of dedication, the Reprocon Institute has already reaped significant outcomes: we have rescued genetic material of endangered species, developed pioneering management strategies, and offered innovative reproductive solutions for animals both in captivity and in the wild. Each discovery not only enriches scientific knowledge but also secures various species for future generations.

Your donation is the link that will unite new chapters of innovation and success in the field of reproductive biotechnology and ecosystem conservation. With your support, we can intensify our research, expand the reach of our conservation actions, and develop technologies that can be applied globally. Each contribution is a firm step towards a more balanced and diverse planet.

From the heart, we thank you for considering supporting our cause. Your generosity echoes in conservation actions and the natural areas you help protect. Together, we continue to make a difference, one step at a time, to preserve the beauty and diversity of our planet. Thank you for being part of this transformation.

ultrassonografia em jaguar de vida-livre

CNPJ 39.247.082/0001-09


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Ajude a avançar nossas pesquisas e proteger espécies em extinção com sua doação ao Instituto Reprocon hoje!


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R$ 10,00

R$ 25,00

R$ 50,00

R$ 75,00

R$ 100,00

R$ 250,00

R$ 500,00

R$ 1.000,00



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© 2025 Instituto Reprocon. 

The Reprocon Institute is a OSCIP (Civil Society Organization in the Public Interest), registered under CNPJ No. 39.247.082/0001-09 and legally constituted as a private non-profit civil association. Its headquarters is located in the municipality of Campo Grande, Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil.

Reprocon (Reproduction for Conservation) is also certified by DGP-CNPq as a research group.

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